[the best busker at the Fringe]
[me and Kae outside "Chocolate Soup" in Edinburgh... highly recommended!]
[The murals in Belfast. You can't really see it when the picture's so small, but the blue mural says "Stop that crazy son of a Bush." I like it!]
[The Commitments in Bangor. "Mustang Sally," anyone?]
[The Garden of Remembrance, for those who've lost their lives for the cause of Irish independence.]
[Guinness and Irish music... had to be done]
[Temple Bar]
[the Palace]
[The sculptures of Gustav Vigeland in Frogner Park - just amazing]
[The model in the window of the Mini Bottle Gallery - I kid you not.]
Paris (take 3)
[Needless to say I got lost... again. I took lots of photos at the Picasso Gallery, but probably shouldn't publish them online.]
[The Jungfraubahn, heading up to Jungfraujoch - the Top of Europe]
[Crazy mountain climbers.]
[Me, Bart the Snowman and Tim from Melbourne. Tim and I spent two days in Lauterbrunnen walking down hills. We're tough.]
[Wall of Fame. It was a first and only, but c'mon - I was at the Top of Europe!]
[...as you do.]
[Lauterbrunnen. So pretty.]
[The second treck downhill, this time accompanied by Simon from Queensland and Chloe from Queanbeyan... and we saw a very lucky cow - what a view!]
[A shower in a phonebooth. They do things differently in Switzerland, by all accounts.]
[The Trummelbach falls - the world's biggest interior waterfall. Ridiculous amounts of water were hammering through the mountain every second.]
[Tim and Simon at Trummelbach]
[On our way back to the campsite...]
[...and the view from the campsite. Isn't it beautiful??]
Some of you may know my obsession with the tiny country that is Liechtenstein. Busabout kindly does an hour-long rest stop in Vaduz, so I got to get my passport stamped. The "Cross Country" run will, unfortunately, have to wait for another day.

[Me, Tim (with one of those mooing toy box things) and Lisa from Brisbane in downtown Vaduz. It went off, clearly.]
[The Devil's Footprint in the Frauenkirche]
[Random monument which, on closer inspection, was written in German and therefore remained random, in the grounds of the Nymphenburg Palace]
[Lisa with Simon, being a silly bugger.]

[The fantastic group of people I spent time with in Munich. L-R: Tim, me, Nick, Naomi, Eloise, Lisa and Simon.]
[The Ryde Carnival. How cool is this? A one-man Village People!]
[And if he wasn't entertaining enough, along came the Chocolate-Covered Group!]
[Osborne House]
[A bumble bee. Call me a tourist, but I still think they're cool.]
[The Smiths (long-lost rellies). L-R: Ben, Sara, Tom, Paul, Georgie and Grannie.]
[The cousins with partners. As Ben is single, while Tom snuggled up to Lindsay and Georgie was joined by Rossy, Ben picked up a nearby stone turtle to keep him company. Too funny.]
[Chris (cousin) and Liz (aunt) at the top of Tennyson Downs.]
[The fruits of Liz's allotment.]
[The menagerie that is the Smith's house...]
[No, we didn't cook the sheep.]
[And, of course, Liz's rats.]
[The three flags of Montreal.]
[The Parisien Metro sign in the International Quarter.]
[I'm a big nerd, but I had to find the location where the Amazing Race had taken place. I've got to say, I love the tunnels.]
[The Biodome. Am I the only one who can't help but think of Pauly Shore when it's mentioned?]
[STOP in French. I liked this, mainly because of the contrast with the Stop sign I photographed in Dubai.]
[Mirella, whom I met in Rome and stayed with in Montreal, and her friend, whose name I have forgotten.]
I love Boston, and my third visit just made me love it all the more.
[Good old Quincy Market. Overpriced and touristy - just how I like it!]
[I'd actually not stumbled upon this before - it's dedicated to the children who spend time in the parks of Boston Common.]
[The skyline across the Charles River. I'd ridden here on Ben's bike and it was another goose-bump inducing moment. I just love this city.]
[Not the best photo, but Ben was running late for work. Ben and Jo, whom I met in Thailand and put me up while I was in Boston.]
New York
[Third time lucky - I finally saw Times Square's Naked Cowboy!]
[It was so good to catch up with Katie - as if the last two years had never happened. The random who tried to chat us up with the line "You two look like partners in crime" was a little interesting, though...]
Chicago > Champaign > Chicago
[Me and Dan at the Sox game. Obviously.]
[It was good fun to go to the baseball again, but unfortunately the Sox lost. Boo.]
[Yet again, Dan provided a weekend full of Chicagoy goodness. Sunday was spent tailgating before the Bears game. And boy do Bears fans know how to tailgate!]
[All together now: "Da Beeeeeeears!"]
[Down in Champaign, we got a little rural - apple picking with Kim and Helen.]
[Helen, me and Kim before hitting the town.]
[Travis in his apartment in Evanston. For those of you who haven't seen him since he went home, never fear - he's exactly the same as he's always been.]
It may seem extravagant to have come home via Hawaii, but with good old Jet Star and South West both flying through Honolulu, it just made sense!
[It looks impressive, and though it's real, it is actually in the garden of the Waikiki Hilton.]
[The view from the top of Diamond Head - the almost perfectly circular crater left after a volcanic eruption millennia ago. The walk to the top and back was supposed to take 90 minutes, but because I was running late (the park closed at 6pm and I arrived at 4:45pm), I had to try to get to the top as quickly as possible. 22 rather sweaty minutes later... I'm proud.]
[Diamond Head and Waikiki] [I'm so proud of this photo. What a gorgeous way to end a fantastic six months!]
And that brings me to the end of my travel blog. I hope you've enjoyed it. Here's hoping that my plan to visit South America late next year comes about so that you will yet again have a way to procrastinate when Facebook gets boring.